Project "Lens"

  • A photo website similar to Instagram’s, built for photography enthusiasts
  • The site would be like linkedin, where users can hire and create associations with other users
  • Used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Google Firebase


  • Using backend software data and displaying that data on a live site
  • Lots of work with JavaScript which was new to me

Collaboration: Alexander Daley, Mbiet Uko, Pranav Kamath

Senior Design Project

  • This is my Senior Design Project that my team and I worked on alongside Professor Duncan, a UD Professor of Biology
  • We were tasked with building a website capable of displaying gene data
  • Used React Typescript, Plotly plotting library, and Router


  • Manipulating the data structure in a way that makes it readable to our plotting library
  • Working with massive data sets

Collaboration: Kurt Hammen, Mar Tejador, Caroline Robinette, Justin Tenerelli

Student Course Registration Site

  • Developing an improved version of the WebReg registration system available to students
  • First major software engineering project
  • Used React, Typescript


  • Working as a team collaborative porject with AGILE
  • Working with JSON data and parsing it correctly

Collaboration: Andrew Gkonos, Shaun Gupta

And of course, my own website which you are on!