Andrew Long

- Hello, my name is Andrew

- I am a computer science BS student with a custom concentration in data science and software engineering

- My favorite point in my time here was software engineering with the react tools.

- I have spent a lot of time working with react typescript and I am looking forward to learn more in this class

My favorite activities

Weightlifting: I have been lifting for about 5-6 years and its something I will never quit.

Running: I picked up running back up two years ago and its one of the best ways to get into nature.

Skiing: I went Skiing for the first time last winter and I plan to make it a routine.

Fishing: Been fishing since I was a kid, excited for the trout season here at white clay creek.

Nutrition: I have become a little obsessed with optimal nutrition in the last year or so.

Gaming: I mean, who doesn't.